
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stuck Again

Here I am Stuck In this horrible Place called: School. I can't wait to get out of here and into a Class that doesn't freak me out. Stuck with a bunch of people that don't understand the differentials of the being and choices of internal being.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tears Fall Down

As I sit here waiting for the world to end
I feel something strange
It looks and feels like rain
Am I going Crazy?
it's a crystal blue day,
and there is rain on my face?
What can be done?
What will Change?
Is It because of Who I Am?
It is just a tear.
A single tear that is running down my face
Is it from fear,
or sadness,
Or is it just there
Ok Now I understand,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Go Away

Sitting here waiting... a total idiot just walked in and he won't stop talking and some times i just want to strangle all the people that piss me off in any kind of way. No matter how much I want him to just, SHUT UP. he just won't stop. I just want him and everyone else to disappear. I want everything in the world to just stop and take a minute to stop talking and listen to what's going on around them,because today life is here but tomorrow it could be gone.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Stuck Again

Just another week of school and i want absolutely nothing to do with anyone i just hate life as a whole. My dad says that i need to get out more and get to know people and have a life but me I'm like FORGET IT!

I like being me and ignoring every person that has ever come into existence because I like being my own person,and I am not anyones doormat.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GET Over It

School is here once again and my life couldn't be any worse. Not only that but people are just pissing me off. I mean i do get pissed off pretty easily but this is just ridiculous i just hate that people judge me and anyone else that they don't know or just want to be judgmental about what they don't understand. I just want some people to think about what they say about people. like the song Ordinary Girl by : Hannah Montana, even though i don't like her this song really hits me.

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Same Old Same Old

Its the same thing every summer first you so happy to be out of school but then you get so bored that you really want to go back to school. its so weird but you never understand when you get back to school you just want to go home its all the same thing you just never know how to say it. always wanting one thing and getting the other.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bad Teacher

One teacher that I cannot stand is My English teacher. He's rude, Inconsiderate, disrespectful,mean. i am a good person unless you anger me which he does on a daily basis.
just seeing him makes me gag.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Embarrassing past

Have a child at the age of 12 is no joke people always say that it was the dumbest thing that i have ever done and i completely agree with all types of criticism.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The truth is hidden

These feelings of regret and anticipation have been over flowing me ever since I figured out my true feelings about him but the thing that will always be infinite is how much he hates me and I have wanted to tell him for the longest time but I am afraid of what he would think of me am I a person or am i just the pal he goes to for advise I have always been in front of his face and I have always wanted to tell him how I truly feel but... there is always a reason for me not to ask him because ...things just don't turn out the way you would like them to.

For ever broken is the way I feel around him because I will never be able to tell him the truth.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Torn Apart

Being told i am not enough for the one i love
hate being told that i'm not good enough
wanting to tell him how i really feel
Afraid of rejection
ok with just being me

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Forever hidden

I will Never ba able to tell him how all of these overflowing feelings are just pilling up on my heart because nothing will ever hidden but i just want to tell him that i really love him and i want him to know everything in my heart i really want him to understand my feelings for hiM.